Ken Wachtveitl has been drawing most of his life. At the age of 16 he began using a technique usually referred to as “stipple.” He started doing stipple after looking closely at a photograph in a newspaper realizing that the photo was made up of several thousands of dots and thought he would try drawing using only dots.
While keeping with the natural beauty and an element of subtle softness stone can bring, Ken has focused on the natural beauty of the female form as his subject matter. “While stone is completely natural it seems only fitting that the image should be completely natural as well. “The challenge is enhancing the stone with an image in such a way it’s as if belongs. I want the image to be both naturalistic as well as sculptural using dimension and textures. This I believe is achieved with the use of slate stone. Using this unique medium of ink on slate it is my hope to add to the natural beauty of the stone and to inspire you with emotion while showing the powerfulness and sensuality of the human form and its connection with nature.